JURASSIC WORLD 4: Rebirth Trailer (2025) Scarlett Johansson
The film is directed by Gareth Edwards and features a new ensemble cast led by Scarlett Johansson, Mahershala Ali, and Jonathan Bailey.
Set five years after the events of “Jurassic World Dominion,” the story follows covert operative Zora Bennett (played by Scarlett Johansson) as she joins a team on a mission to a secluded island, once the site of the original Jurassic Park research facility. Their objective is to extract DNA from three massive prehistoric creatures, aiming to develop a groundbreaking medical treatment. Along the way, they encounter a shipwrecked family and face mutated dinosaur experiments that have evolved in isolation.
“Jurassic World: Rebirth” is the upcoming fourth installment in the Jurassic World series, scheduled for release on July 2, 2025.